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SbyD Products

Aero Equipment Enclosures - Reliable and Safe

Aero Equipment Enclosures

Aero can be customized for wide range of sizes and utility services like TEL Monitors, Broen Taps, Dampers etc. according to user needs.

Reliable Aero Dry Scrubber by SbyD

Aero Dry Scrubber

Aero Dry Scrubber is specifically designed for research laboratories having multiple fume hoods.

Aero Dry Scrubber

Neutro Neutralization Tank

Neutro Neutralization Tank is designed to normalize the pH level of acidic water before being discharged into the drain pipe.

Broen Products

Broen Safety and Emergency Showers by SbyD

Broen Safety Showers

BROEN REDLINE emergency showers and eye washers meet the European Committee Standardization requirements DS/EN 15154 1 and 2.

Broen Taps and Valves - Reliable and Safe for high purity gases and water

Broen Lab Taps & Valves

Broen Lab’s extensive range of products covers the requirements of professional laboratories in most industries and in the educational sector.

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